The Sisterhood - "Finland Red, Egypt White" 
Overall length: eight hundred and seventy millimetres,
Length of barrel: four hundred and fifteen millimetres,
Length of sighting line: three-hundred and seventy-eight millimetres.
Weight of magazine empty: point-four-two kilograms,
Weight of magazine loaded: point-nine-two kilograms.
Overall weight with loaded magazine: four-point-eight kilograms
Chamber Pressure forty thousand, five hundred and fifty pounds per square inch.
The seven-point-six-two millimetre Kalashnikov rifle,
Fires seven-point-two-six-six-two millimetre rounds, M one-ninety.
Muzzle velocity seven hundred and ten meters per second,
Two thousand, three hundred and eighty feet per second,
Specified rate of fire; six hundred rounds per minute.
(Six hundred rounds per minute)
Service ammunition is divided into full cartridges,
and special purpose cartridges.
Full ammunition is used to destroy personnel
Special ammunition, depending upon its construction,
is designed for target identification and correction of fire,
ignition of fuel and highly flammable objects
or destroying lightly armoured targets.
Tracer cartridges are used for target identification,
fire adjustment, signal purposes and destroying personnel
(Destroying personnel)
Tracer bullets can ignite.
The path of the bullet is indicated, by a red flame.
Eight B incendiary cartridges are used to ignite fuel,
gasoline and for destroying targets protected by thick armour plate.
The standard cartridge used by the AK-47 is the M-43,
Bullet weight one-two-two grains, powder weight 25 grains.
Standard markings, fool model PS, no colour.
Tracer model T-four-five, green tip.
Eight B I model BZ, black and red tip.
Incendiary model T, type Z, red tip.
Special cartridges, plastic, blank with metal case,
Finland red, Germany black, Egypt white.
Short range cartridges, full, round nose, lacquered steel case, white tip.
Tracer, round nose, lacquered steel case, white and dark green tip.
There are three basic models of the AK;
AK-47; machined receiver, no bayonet lug,
Polished hold and bolt cabinet,
Sighted up to eight hundred meters.
AK-M; stamped receiver, bayonet lug,
Plug lined bolt, beaver tailed fore-grip
Range up to a thousand meters
RP-K; squad LMD, longer barrel,
Equipped with seventy-five round drum magazine,
Forty round box magazine,
Or may use a standard thirty round magazine,
Despite a specification of six-hundred rounds per minute,
Extensive experience of all models, proves the full-automatic
rate to be approximately eight-hundred rounds per minute.
(Destroy personnel)